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What is your little cub going to learn this year? 

Bridging the learning between home and school is imperative for student success and student confidence. When students know that their parents/guardians and teachers are on the same team and expect the same things from them, students tend to not only do better, but they want to do the best they can. Please use this page as a tool to help guide your teaching and learning at home. It can be as simple as reading signs at the store, or counting fruits and vegetables as you put them in the shopping cart. :)


& Due Dates


Library books are due back at school every Thursday.   


Our math program (Bridges) provides Home Connections. I sent home an orange work book on Curriculum Night that has all the activities for the year. They are optional math activities to do with your child at home and will reinforce the skills we learned during that unit. Home Connections are intended for extra practice or review. They do NOT need to be returned to school (unless that motivates your child to do them). 😉 Bridges unit overviews are linked below. 

Other daily/weekly "homework" should consist of high frequency word practice from our Countdown Heart Word List and 15-20 minutes of reading every night. "Reading" can look like any of the following scenarios below..


* your child reading independently

* your child reading to stuffed animals or toys 

* your child and a sibling/friend/ family member reading together

* you and your child reading together

* you reading a story to your child


It does not matter what type of reading routines you are practicing at home, as long as it is happening and your child associates reading with positive experiences. 🥰

Once we reach the high frequency word units in our foundational skills curriculum (Countdown), I will be in touch about a literacy homework opportunity that your child can complete weekly. 


If unfinished work comes home, it is not homework. We simply could have run out of time to complete something. You are welcome to use it as extra practice at home if you'd like! 

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